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Rahebeh Abedi
M.Sc. GIS Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran
B.Sc. Geomatics Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Arak Branch, Iran
Research Interests: Environmental studies; LULC and environmental changes; remote sensing; spatial analysis, spatial statistics, and spatial modeling; data mining and machine learning.
Adviser: Lyndon Estes

Kwabena Antwi
MPhil Environmental Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
B.Sc. Environmental Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Research Interests: Climate-agroecosystem interactions, Conservation, Climate variability, Vulnerability, Tropical farming systems, Smallholder farmers, Climate change adaptation, Food security.
Adviser: Abby Frazier

Ana Lucia Araujo Raurau
M.A. Geography, McGill University
B.A. Anthropology, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Research Interests: Socio-ecological systems, Livelihoods studies, Critical agrarian studies, Political ecology, Peasant and Indigenous communities in Latin America
Adviser: Lyndon Estes

Jase M. Athay
M.Sc. Environmental Policy and Regulation, The London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)
B.A. French Studies, Brigham Young University
Research Interests: human-environment and nature-society relationships; economic and development geographies; sustainability; political and industrial ecologies; global-south perspectives; critical theories; environmental philosophies, ethics, and justice.
Adviser: Yuko Aoyama

Arman Bajracharya
B.S. Ecology and Field Biology, St. Cloud State University
Research Interests: Studying the impacts of urbanization on the fragmentation of vegetative land.
Adviser: Rinku Roy Chowdhury

Rufai Balogun
M.Sc. Geo-Data Science, University of South Brittany, France
M.Sc. Earth Observation and Geo-informatics, University of Salzburg, Austria
B.Tech. Meteorology and Climate Science, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria
Research Interests: Earth Observation, Machine Learning, Hydrometeorological hazards and Humanitarian Emergencies.
Adviser: Lyndon Estes

Ricardo Barbosa
M.Sc. International Relations, University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
B.A. Geography, University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
B.A. Law, Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil
B.A. International Relations and Social Sciences, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil
Research Interests: digital geographies, political geography, political ecology, environmental governance, radical right, critical agrarian studies, digital agriculture, food policy.
Advisers: James McCarthy and Max Ritts

Jimmy Buzzell
M.P.P.M. Sustainability and Geospatial Technologies, University of Southern Maine
B.A. Philosophy, Ithaca College
Research Interests: Political economy, urban geography, land use planning and development strategies, GIS, uneven geographical development, critical theory, and social movements.
Adviser: Lyndon Estes

Andrea Cabrera Roa
M.Sc. Environmental Science and Policy, Clark University
B.A. Anthropology, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Lima, Peru
Research interests: Human-Nature relationships, political ecology, environmental governance, socio-environmental conflicts, socio-ecological vulnerability, indigeneity in the Peruvian amazon.
Adviser(s): Anthony Bebbington and Yuko Aoyama

Aidan Caron
B.A. Geographic Information Science & Political Science, University of Connecticut
Research Interests: Human-environment interactions, urban greenery and forestry, urban park systems, accessibility geography, land use and land cover (LULC), spatial statistics and modeling.
Adviser: Lyndon Estes

Sergio Carvajal
M.A. Developmental Studies, International Institute of Social Science, Erasmus University, The Hague, Netherlands
B.A. Philosophy and Political Science, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Research Interests: Environmental studies, political economy, socio-ecological relations, climate changing capitalism and agrarian change, social movements.
Adviser: Mark Davidson

Tanmoy Chakraborty
M.Sc. Geospatial Technologies, Erasmus Mundus Program, a cooperation of: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institute for Geoinformatics, Münster, Germany; Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Dept. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos, Castellón, Spain; and Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Lisboa, Portugal
B.A. Urban and Regional Planning, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna, Bangladesh
Research Interests: Land-use and Land-cover Change; Spatial-temporal analysis of environmental factors; Remote sensing; Spatial analysis and modeling.
Adviser: Lyndon Estes

Mwangi Chege
M.A., International Relations and Economics, Johns Hopkins University – School of Advanced International Studies, Washington DC
B.A., Geography, University of South Africa, Pretoria
Research Interests: Urban geography, Southern Urbanism, Agrarian studies, Rural-Urban linkages and relations.
Adviser: James Murphy

Maria del Pilar Delpino Marimon
Master in Regional Planning (MRP), Cornell University
B.A. in Geography, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Research Interests: globalisms, feminist political ecology, political geography, critical infrastructure studies, western Amazon, critical visualization, and digital humanities.
Adviser: Anthony Bebbington

Amy Dundon
M.A. Urban Affairs, University of San Francisco
B.S. Philosophy, Northeastern University
Research Interests: urban geography, racial capitalism, municipal finance, carceral geography, higher education, housing, California cities.
Adviser: Asha Best and Mark Davidson

Clare Gaffey
M.A. Geography, University at Albany
B.S. Environmental Science, University at Albany
Research Interests: Remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicles, arctic systems, cryosphere, climate, phenology.
Adviser: Karen Frey

Antonio Victor Galvão da Fonseca
Post Graduate Diploma in Statistics, Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil
B.A. Environmental Engineering, State University of Pará, Belém, Brazil
Research Interests: GIS, Remote Sensing, Land use and land cover maps, Spatial Analysis, Uncertainty in spatial data.
Adviser: Robert Gil Pontius Jr.

Hemant Raj Ghimire
M.Sc. Environmental Science Tribhuvan University, Nepal
B.Sc. Environment Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Research Interests: Environmental and social implications of renewable energy transition; sustainable renewable energy development; hydropower; solar project; human dimension of environmental conservation; environmental impact assessment; spatial analysis for environmental assessment.
Adviser: James McCarthy

Denys Godwin
M.S. Geographic Information Science, Clark University
B.A. International Political Economics, Beloit College
Research Interests: Open science, accessibility of new research methods, and the relationship between renewable energy development and land use change.
Adviser: Lyndon Estes

María José Guillén-Araya
Bachelor and Licentiate in Political Science, University of Costa Rica
Research Interests: tourism, feminist political economy, feminist geopolitics, decolonial thought, race and racism, Central America.”
Adviser: Asha Best

Ashley Hoffman
B.S. in Natural Resource Conservation at University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Research Interests: Forest Ecology, Forest Disturbances, Forest Health.
Adviser: Dominik Kulakowski

Emily Holloway
M.S. Urban Policy and Planning, Hunter College
B.A. Government, Smith College
Research Interests: historical geography, racial capitalism, mobilities, Atlantic studies
Adviser: Asha Best and Mark Davidson

Fatemeh Kordi
M.Sc. Remote Sensing and GIS, University of Tehran, Iran
B.A. Natural Resource Engineering, Lorestan University, Iran
Research Interests: Forests and climate change; land use change modeling; crop classification; assessment of NCS opportunities in order to reduce carbon emission; Hydrology modeling; evapotranspiration.
Adviser: Hamed Alemohammad and John Rogan

Madeline Kroot
B.A. Geography and Linguistics, Dartmouth College
Research Interests:  Energy geographies with a particular focus on the political ecology of energy transmission projects in the US North-East, and their implications for just energy transitions.
Adviser: James McCarthy

Christopher Lamb
M.A. English, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
B.A. Philosophy and Environmental Science, Marlboro College, Marlboro, Vermont
Research Interests: political ecology, environmental justice, critical Indigenous studies, multispecies and extinction studies, oral history, critical cartography, and environmental humanities.
Adviser: Max Ritts

Morgan Lehman
M.P.A. Environmental Science and Policy, Columbia University
B.A. History of Art and Architecture, Boston University
Research Interests: Marine phytoplankton, remote sensing, coastal dynamics, climate change, arctic systems, cryosphere, phenology, geospatial analytics
Adviser: Karen Frey

Sarah Lerman-Sinkoff
B.A. Earth & Environmental Science, Wesleyan University
Research Interests: Energy Justice and transitions, Science and Technology Studies, Critical Physical Geography, Applied GIS, Citizen Science and low-cost sensors, Community-Based Participatory Research, Mixed Methods
Adviser: John Rogan

Vanchy Weizhi Li
M.S. Environmental Science and Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
B.S. GIS, Fujian Normal University
Research Interests: GIS and Remote sensing, Environmental change on health, and land cover/land use on biodiversity.
Adviser: Florencia Sangermano

Jacob Mitchell
M.L.A (Landscape Architecture), University of Toronto
B.E.S (Environmental Studies), York University
Research Interests: Urban infrastructure and climate change adaptation. Urban forestry. Caribbean and Gulf Coast urbanism. Landscape visualization, cartography, and environmental rhetoric.
Adviser: Mark Davidson

Khadija Nisar
M.Sc. Computer Sciences, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
B.Sc. Space Sciences, GIS, Remote Sensing, Climatology, Meteorology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Research Interests: Hydrology ,Climate Change and Impact Assessment on Agriculture , Remote Sensing , GIS.
Adviser: Rinku Roy Chowdhury

Wen Ting Ooi
M.A. Soc. Sci., National University of Singapore
B.A. Soc. Sci. Geography, National University of Singapore
Research Interests: human-nature relationships, digital geography, political ecology, environmental geography, cultural geography, urban infrastructure and climate adaptation, environmental humanities and cartographies.
Adviser: Lyndon Estes

Spandan Pandey
M.Sc. Climate Change and Sustainability Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
B.Tech. Information Technology, West Bengal University of Technology
Research Interests: Political ecology of climate change, vulnerability and adaptation,  urban spaces, climate ethics, and environmental governance.
Adviser: Rinku Roy Chowdhury

Sushil Paudel
M.Sc. Geographic Information Science & System, Salzberg University, Austria
M.Sc. Forestry, Agriculture and Forestry University, Hetauda, Nepal
B.Sc. Forestry, Tribhuvan University, Hetauda, Nepal
Research Interests: GIS and Remote Sensing; Spatial Data Modelling and Spatial Statistics; Forest Carbon Assessment Methodology; LULC change analysis; Geo-Database Management for Big Data; Machine Learning and Deep Learning; UAVs and Drones for resource assessment in inaccessible areas.
Adviser: Dominik Kulakowski

Sunita Phuyal
M.Sc. Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
B.Sc. Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
Research Interests: Climate Change and Adaptation, Climate variability, Drought, Environmental conservation, GIS, Remote Sensing, Spatial analysis
Adviser: Abby Frazier

Walter Poulsen
M.Sc. Sustainable Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
B.A. Cultural Anthropology, China Studies, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA
Research Interests: commodification of natures; agricultural political ecology; sociopolitical dimensions of renewable energy transitions; critical sustainability studies.
Adviser: Lyndon Estes

Ann Jyothis Raj
M.A. Education and Learning Sciences, University of Turku, Finland
M.A. Geographic Information Science for Development & Environment, Clark University
B.A. Environmental Studies, Mount Holyoke College
Research Interests: Core focus on human-environment dimensions; sub-focus on sustainability and complex systems; decoloniality and indigeneity; education, futurity, and youth studies.
Adviser: Lyndon Estes

Jewon Ryu
M.Sc. Geography, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
B.Sc. Geography, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Research Interests: Nature and society; human and environment; urban political ecology; environmental politics/policies; urban green infrastructure; net-zero by 2050, environment and development.
Adviser: Deborah Martin

Inge Salo
M.A. Geography, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
B.A. Anthropology, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Research Interests: South African urbanism, place-making, urban displacement, urban resistance.
Adviser: Asha Best and Deborah Martin

Mikayla Schappert
M.A. Geography, Miami University, Oxford, OH
B.Sc. Biology, Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA
Research Interests: landscape ecology; landscape heterogeneity; landscape pattern; GISci; GIS; spatial analysis; spatial statistics; remote sensing; landscape change; conservation; human-environment interactions; habitat fragmentation
Adviser: Florencia Sangermano

Eunyeong Song
M.A Geography Education, Seoul National University
B.A. Social Studies Education (Geography Education), Jeju National University
Research Interests: Export Crops, Spices, Food Chains, Agricultural Commodities Change, International Food Trade, Agrarian Change, Regional Development, Global Production Networks, Commodity Chains and Networks, Development Studies, East and Southeast Asia.
Adviser: James Murphy

Gisselle Vila-Benites
M.A. Environmental Development, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
B.A. Sociology, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Research Interests: political ecology, resource geographies, elite power, natural resource governance, artisanal and small-scale mining, energy transition, Latin America.
Adviser: Anthony Bebbington

Shan-yu Samuel Wang
M.S. Geography, National Taiwan University
B.S. Geography, National Taiwan University
Research Interests: State projects; geopolitics; industrial studies; political economy; zones (SEZ, EPZ, FTA); economic geography; development geography; Taiwanese firms; India.
Adviser: Yuko Aoyama

William Westgard-Cruice
MSc. Urban and Economic Geography, Utrecht University
B.A. Economics and Geography, Utrecht University
Research Interests: Critique of political economy, dialectical method, production of space, labor geography, energy geography, geographies of education.
Adviser: James McCarthy

Sitian Xiong
M.S. GIS, Clark University
B.S. in Geography, University of Wyoming
B.E. Land Resource Management, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China
Research Interests: Remote sensing, Agriculture, Machine Learning.
Adviser: Lyndon Estes

Aiyin Zhang
M.S. Hong Kong Polytechnic University
B.S. Beijing Forestry University
Research Interests: Time-series remote sensing, Temporal GIS, Land-use and Land-cover Change, Forest Disturbances Monitoring, Spatial-temporal analysis.
Adviser: Robert Pontius and John Rogan

Hermione Xiaoqing Zhou
B.A. Sociology and Environmental Studies, Bates College
Research Interests: Political ecology, environmental justice, disaster recovery, climate adaptation, critical Indigenous studies, and community economies.
Adviser: James McCarthy

Anna Zhu
M.S. Geography, The George Washington University
B.A. Geography, The George Washington University
B.S. Economics, The George Washington University
Research Interests: Arctic systems, climate change, cryosphere, and GIS/Remote Sensing.
Adviser: Karen Frey

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Graduate School of Geography

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    Worcester, MA 01610

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  • geography[at]clarku[dot]edu